Lumbini Peace Marathon


The people who envisioned Buddhist Marathon felt that it was time to provide all sports loving people of the world an opportunity to experience Spiritual Marathon or a Marathon of Pilgrimage along the Holiest Sites of Buddhism. The time has now come for this ‘thematic marathon’ that will be completely different from a regular marathon, which is a form of athletic event only.

A Spiritual Marathon like the Buddhist Marathon following the footsteps of Lord Buddha to his hometown of Kapilvalstu, his birthplace in Lumbini and Tilaurakot will give participants a chance to experience a bit of spiritual enlightenment that a traditional marathon lacks.

Runners are always searching for thematic marathons, new destinations and programs to experience and discover new things in their life—the Shakyamuni Buddha Lumbini Peace Marathon provides just that!

For the 500 million Buddhist people living around the world Lumbini is the Holiest Pilgrimage Site. Just as Vatican and Jerusalem is important for Christianity and Mecca & Medina for Islam and Char Dham & Mount Kailash for Hindus, Lumbini will forever be the Holiest of the Holy Pilgrimage Destination for the Buddhists World.

It will be a fitting event for Buddhists around the globe to visit Lumbini and take part in the Buddhist Marathon on March 14, 2025 and run for Lumbini, run for Buddhist Pancha Sheel and spread the Message of World Peace!!!

Limited Slots available!!


LumbiniPeaceMarathon Peace Lumbini Buddha Nepal VisitNepal Marathon Spirituality